Several media has reported on how much she is getting bullied from doing this job, for example The Young Turks and The view talk about on campus people have given her death threats and says that she is a whore because of the porn videos she makes. There are several guys that have outed her whereabouts so that they could follow and bully her on campus. The also focused on how she says that doing this empowers her, and that she has full control of her body and what she feels comfortable with doing. CNN went into more detail about her post on XO Jane and how she loves doing porn.
I think the reason why some of these media sources focus more on those aspects is to get people more aware. Like with The View she talked about how she felt subjected because she sets her own boundaries and that might make more women aware that you can be in control and that you don't have to listen to other people. This tells me that our culture has lots of insecurities with our bodies and that they feel like they can't speak up and tell there story. We need to become more aware of what we say especially with stuff like this. Saying the things that people have said to her can make a girl feel worse about themselves. I also feel like our society is scared to talk about things like this, obviously because of the outcome she is getting from coming out with her story.