Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lavish Weddings

One topic that was talked about in both was the idea of perfection or striving to be like someone else. In Say Yes to the Dress Kelly was trying to be like Grace kelly wanting to get a dress that was simple and slim, that was her idea of perfection, and because Grace Kelly was already famous it put more into perfection and how it was even more of a fairy tail.  Also in Say Yes to the Dress Debra talked about how she got a dress that made her look similar to Princess Diana and in the reading they talked about how after Princess Diana got married everyone suddenly had a new idea on what weddings should be like. Debra liked how the dress made her channel her inner Princess Diana. 

Another topic that seemed to be big in both was the idea of wish fulfillment/extravagance. In the Lavish Wedding article the author talks about the norms of bridal gowns: It should be white, worn only once, and it should be a fashion statement all its own that was not ruled by the hemlines and styles of the moment. In Say Yes to the Dress Kelly doesn't want to go the traditional route of getting a white dress and wants to go with a black that dress that is similar to Grace Kelly's wedding dress. Also Crystal wanted to have lots of jewels and that was an extravagance because that is going to have to end up being lots of money which the article talks a lot about how the price of weddings is rising. Weddings are clearly becoming more lavish, hence the name of the aricle.

1 comment:

  1. I think that every girl wants to have a perfect wedding because they think that it will resemble how their marriage will be. I think there are more brides now that want a different colored wedding dress than in pervious generations. A lot of brides I would agree want jewels or "bling" on their dress which does increase the price dramatically.
